lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2011

My Life Like these days

In the actual times, I have doing much activities that have relations with the different aspect of my life. To order the ideas, the first topic that I will talk is the my academic life, I Student Geographic in the University of Chile, like the faculty was occupated for the student (about 5 month), in the context of the “Student Movilization”. In this time I read a lot peapers of development, spatial economic, regional studies. They are th topic that I like, and in th future I will like have a job, that have relations oh the Geographic economic. In actually I finish my carrier.
I live in Isla de Maipo, this village is near to Santiago, I traveling all days, in the morning I wake up to the 6:15 AM, and I get home about 10 Pm to sleep or study. This because the times like consecuence the “new programation” it´s bad. To my luck this is my last semester of class. I have a two brother (one boy and one girl), I live with my parent, and my girlfriends lives in Santiago because this studies in this city, she family live in Sanvicente de tagua-tagua. With cinthia (my girlfriend) having 1 years 7 month of relations, in general is very good experiencia that both seek to the best for the relations.
In my free times I read, play with my brother, helped my parent or practice any sport. I like swim and cycling. My perspective for next years is finished my studies, will any proyect that have relations with a Proyecto colmena (foundation that have with any friend). To short-term search a practice in places that have relations with my interest, is the more importance that other aspect that have relations with the university or my profesional life. In general I like my life in these days.

lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2011

My Neighbourhood

I live in Isla de Maipo, my neighbourhood really don´t have name, but in general the people called him Jaime Guzman, like the strett have this name. The neighbourhood there are in a rural zone, due this reason there are not much services like supermarket, chemist's a other similarity. The only shop near is a small shop that to sell groceries, vegetable, candys, etc.
In general the transports is so so, because the time between bus is very long, in the town are two enterprice that offer the transport services, Flota Talagante and Islaval. The price of a ticket its 950 for adult, and 600 for student. For I go to the university, I take the bus that your rout is of Autopista del sol, the problem is that in Maipu in general they are many accident, in consecuence arrived a late, like today or english.
In general in my neighbourhood dont are much pollution, on the contrary, in my garden there are much threes and graze, and my neighbor have a similar situation. The isla de maipo it´s a green town, the big enterprice that worked in this territory, there are vinculate with the agriculture and special of the wine production.
I like my neighbourhood because i have peace, space for practice any sport and the more important factor is the localization, that since the contrast between the big city like Santiago(that I travel all day because my university is in this place), and small town, i think that to contribute or my paece and dont stress.