martes, 31 de mayo de 2011

The future, democracy, development and citizenship

In this occasion I will talk about of the world, specifically , how we are been thinking the future, the development.

It's extremely complex, the way that the society as been brought forward, in the context of information society, transnationals and interests that have shaped the present reality.

How we are been thinking the develop, and the role of innovation since Schumpeter 1950 about the stresses, that now is conditioned , like for example the role of business and creative-destruction process, understanding as keys to this capitalist system according to the different authors.

As we develop, and the role of innovation since Schumpeter 1950 about the stresses, now conditioned for example, the role of business and creative-destruction process, understanding as keys to this capitalist system according to the different authors.

Thus, civil society has changed the relationship you have with the state, extending a relationship with this assistance, making it difficult processes of participatory decision making. But this scenario has been changing in recent years, as we see it reflected in the many marches HidroAysén and Chilean education. The problem is that the political class not able to channel social demands, a product of bureaucracy and technocracy over valued and well-established, carried away by theories of political science and partisan, rather than interest of citizenship.

The main problem with this is that difficult process of empowerment is key to exercise acountability, there is a presentation of public accounts to be improving public management from the demand, so the people become a key player in how we do
things. And this in turn to empower themselves, worry about their future and worry about their future can be raised collectively in solving problems affecting them in their community.

domingo, 22 de mayo de 2011

South of Chilean, a nice holidays.

I have two holidays that are my favorite, the first it´s when in the summer of 2010 went with friends (Camilo, Fabian and cabro habil) to backpaking, and the other trips with my family en this summer -2011- , both travel are in the south of Chile.

I talk about od this summer, I went to Los Muermos, Purranque amd San Juan de la Costa. I can saw a diferent form of live, interest in consecuencia other perspective of development. This experience have a important relation with how our seen the diferent in the space in much context, the life changed since 1950 , but in this landscapes note taht no.

I went for one month, since 15 of january until february. I live in this place diferent experience how horseback riding, trekking, walking, boating, fishing, running, eating lots of lamb and potatoes.

I Liked because the landscape they are very beautifull, the people is very friendly, the food ... the cumtoms.

martes, 10 de mayo de 2011


Stereotype of Bolivian people

Stereotype of Brazilian Girls

Latinoamerican people have diferentt stereotype it depends in the country in that live. The Chilean people we are to characterize by lazy and annoying, a diferent of other countries of the region how argentine, they are very arrogant and haughty. Other country is brazilian, this people is very funny, dance vey good and a pretty woman, a diferent of bolivian people were they are more interest of the spiritual dimension, the peruvian hard working.

I think that the stereotypes are generalization, that people make about characteristics based on an image about what people in that group are like, this conception of relationship between people it´s very bad, and dont have more importance that a lie.

With this conception the africans are presented as living in rural villages, with tribal wars ... this is false for country how Argelia, Egipto or Sudafrica for example.

The vision of the other Latin American countries view a Chileans people in general with better economic conditions, this is reflected in the migration of Peru, Bolivia, among others.
But this vision is not representative of the total of people of chile, because this country have very much diferent in the rent and the salary.

See you, a have a nice weekend!

jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011

Favourite Beach

I will talk about my favorite beach. Chile has 4337 km of coastline, where there are different types of beaches. The southern beaches are beautiful, because the landscape is very special, and there are very few people, I was in this summer , in specifical to San Juan de la Costa and Fresia, this travel it´s very special and the beaches was the best (except for the frozen waters).

How this beaches they are very far away, i go more often to "Central Coast", El Quisco, Algarrobo and el tabo, the bad is the summer the density of people is too much.

I was with my friends we will to diferent places, how craft fairs, walk on the beach, playing football, watching movies, parties and other.

I went for the first time when I was 3 years old with my parents, but i don´t remember all, after was other time.

I like too much the sea because me reassuring, to reflect ...

In general beaches usually go is great not only for the physical place, but for the opportunity to make such trips with good company!