In this occasion I will talk about of the world, specifically , how we are been thinking the future, the development.
As we develop, and the role of innovation since Schumpeter 1950 about the stresses, now conditioned for example, the role of business and creative-destruction process, understanding as keys to this capitalist system according to the different authors.
Thus, civil society has changed the relationship you have with the state, extending a relationship with this assistance, making it difficult processes of participatory decision making. But this scenario has been changing in recent years, as we see it reflected in the many marches HidroAysén and Chilean education. The problem is that the political class not able to channel social demands, a product of bureaucracy and technocracy over valued and well-established, carried away by theories of political science and partisan, rather than interest of citizenship.
The main problem with this is that difficult process of empowerment is key to exercise acountability, there is a presentation of public accounts to be improving public management from the demand, so the people become a key player in how we dothings. And this in turn to empower themselves, worry about their future and worry about their future can be raised collectively in solving problems affecting them in their community.
Life is very complex!!!!