lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2011

My Life Like these days

In the actual times, I have doing much activities that have relations with the different aspect of my life. To order the ideas, the first topic that I will talk is the my academic life, I Student Geographic in the University of Chile, like the faculty was occupated for the student (about 5 month), in the context of the “Student Movilization”. In this time I read a lot peapers of development, spatial economic, regional studies. They are th topic that I like, and in th future I will like have a job, that have relations oh the Geographic economic. In actually I finish my carrier.
I live in Isla de Maipo, this village is near to Santiago, I traveling all days, in the morning I wake up to the 6:15 AM, and I get home about 10 Pm to sleep or study. This because the times like consecuence the “new programation” it´s bad. To my luck this is my last semester of class. I have a two brother (one boy and one girl), I live with my parent, and my girlfriends lives in Santiago because this studies in this city, she family live in Sanvicente de tagua-tagua. With cinthia (my girlfriend) having 1 years 7 month of relations, in general is very good experiencia that both seek to the best for the relations.
In my free times I read, play with my brother, helped my parent or practice any sport. I like swim and cycling. My perspective for next years is finished my studies, will any proyect that have relations with a Proyecto colmena (foundation that have with any friend). To short-term search a practice in places that have relations with my interest, is the more importance that other aspect that have relations with the university or my profesional life. In general I like my life in these days.

lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2011

My Neighbourhood

I live in Isla de Maipo, my neighbourhood really don´t have name, but in general the people called him Jaime Guzman, like the strett have this name. The neighbourhood there are in a rural zone, due this reason there are not much services like supermarket, chemist's a other similarity. The only shop near is a small shop that to sell groceries, vegetable, candys, etc.
In general the transports is so so, because the time between bus is very long, in the town are two enterprice that offer the transport services, Flota Talagante and Islaval. The price of a ticket its 950 for adult, and 600 for student. For I go to the university, I take the bus that your rout is of Autopista del sol, the problem is that in Maipu in general they are many accident, in consecuence arrived a late, like today or english.
In general in my neighbourhood dont are much pollution, on the contrary, in my garden there are much threes and graze, and my neighbor have a similar situation. The isla de maipo it´s a green town, the big enterprice that worked in this territory, there are vinculate with the agriculture and special of the wine production.
I like my neighbourhood because i have peace, space for practice any sport and the more important factor is the localization, that since the contrast between the big city like Santiago(that I travel all day because my university is in this place), and small town, i think that to contribute or my paece and dont stress.

jueves, 23 de junio de 2011

Education and protest

For a quality public education and free "is the phrase that has been the standard instudent demonstrations across the country in recent weeks. Unfortunately, the national media have reported only the negative aspects that have been recorded in differentevents like the riots in the street without even the importance of rescuing thousands of voices rise up and organize for a purpose: to address with clear proposals, the crisis in education in Chile. The last march organized by the CONFECH, gathered more than100 000 people, including drums, jugglers, organ and trumpets were peacefully demonstrating, demanding their rights. Clearly the student movement is stronger than ever, asking the government response about the issues of debt, vulnerability and, above all, the inequality of Chilean education. Social networks have played an important role in organizing various marches, forums and meetings, where thousandsof students, academics and workers have been reported, supporting the movement.There are more than 200 unemployed or take, including universities, colleges and high schools. The government meanwhile has been indifferent, trying to hold the screen"happy country" to the outside. Finally in Chile there is a strong movement, organized and be left for any reason disband until they are met so many promises that theChilean people have waited so many years

martes, 31 de mayo de 2011

The future, democracy, development and citizenship

In this occasion I will talk about of the world, specifically , how we are been thinking the future, the development.

It's extremely complex, the way that the society as been brought forward, in the context of information society, transnationals and interests that have shaped the present reality.

How we are been thinking the develop, and the role of innovation since Schumpeter 1950 about the stresses, that now is conditioned , like for example the role of business and creative-destruction process, understanding as keys to this capitalist system according to the different authors.

As we develop, and the role of innovation since Schumpeter 1950 about the stresses, now conditioned for example, the role of business and creative-destruction process, understanding as keys to this capitalist system according to the different authors.

Thus, civil society has changed the relationship you have with the state, extending a relationship with this assistance, making it difficult processes of participatory decision making. But this scenario has been changing in recent years, as we see it reflected in the many marches HidroAysén and Chilean education. The problem is that the political class not able to channel social demands, a product of bureaucracy and technocracy over valued and well-established, carried away by theories of political science and partisan, rather than interest of citizenship.

The main problem with this is that difficult process of empowerment is key to exercise acountability, there is a presentation of public accounts to be improving public management from the demand, so the people become a key player in how we do
things. And this in turn to empower themselves, worry about their future and worry about their future can be raised collectively in solving problems affecting them in their community.

domingo, 22 de mayo de 2011

South of Chilean, a nice holidays.

I have two holidays that are my favorite, the first it´s when in the summer of 2010 went with friends (Camilo, Fabian and cabro habil) to backpaking, and the other trips with my family en this summer -2011- , both travel are in the south of Chile.

I talk about od this summer, I went to Los Muermos, Purranque amd San Juan de la Costa. I can saw a diferent form of live, interest in consecuencia other perspective of development. This experience have a important relation with how our seen the diferent in the space in much context, the life changed since 1950 , but in this landscapes note taht no.

I went for one month, since 15 of january until february. I live in this place diferent experience how horseback riding, trekking, walking, boating, fishing, running, eating lots of lamb and potatoes.

I Liked because the landscape they are very beautifull, the people is very friendly, the food ... the cumtoms.

martes, 10 de mayo de 2011


Stereotype of Bolivian people

Stereotype of Brazilian Girls

Latinoamerican people have diferentt stereotype it depends in the country in that live. The Chilean people we are to characterize by lazy and annoying, a diferent of other countries of the region how argentine, they are very arrogant and haughty. Other country is brazilian, this people is very funny, dance vey good and a pretty woman, a diferent of bolivian people were they are more interest of the spiritual dimension, the peruvian hard working.

I think that the stereotypes are generalization, that people make about characteristics based on an image about what people in that group are like, this conception of relationship between people it´s very bad, and dont have more importance that a lie.

With this conception the africans are presented as living in rural villages, with tribal wars ... this is false for country how Argelia, Egipto or Sudafrica for example.

The vision of the other Latin American countries view a Chileans people in general with better economic conditions, this is reflected in the migration of Peru, Bolivia, among others.
But this vision is not representative of the total of people of chile, because this country have very much diferent in the rent and the salary.

See you, a have a nice weekend!

jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011

Favourite Beach

I will talk about my favorite beach. Chile has 4337 km of coastline, where there are different types of beaches. The southern beaches are beautiful, because the landscape is very special, and there are very few people, I was in this summer , in specifical to San Juan de la Costa and Fresia, this travel it´s very special and the beaches was the best (except for the frozen waters).

How this beaches they are very far away, i go more often to "Central Coast", El Quisco, Algarrobo and el tabo, the bad is the summer the density of people is too much.

I was with my friends we will to diferent places, how craft fairs, walk on the beach, playing football, watching movies, parties and other.

I went for the first time when I was 3 years old with my parents, but i don´t remember all, after was other time.

I like too much the sea because me reassuring, to reflect ...

In general beaches usually go is great not only for the physical place, but for the opportunity to make such trips with good company!

martes, 26 de abril de 2011

Marca Chancho!!!

Hello Blogheads!

I think the music its very important for our life, because is present in all time of the life. When I was a child , I liked listen to music with radio and personal stereo. I was 13 years old, and my mom gave to me $10.000, because this day was my birthday , so then, I bougth a disc of "Chanco en piedra!", called "Marca Chancho" in the shop "Cd´s Mil".

I like the music and this group in this stage of my life, because it´s very funny. The letters of the songs of this group spoke about cotidianity of life.

The songs that more I liked are: "Pata en la raja", "El curanto", "El impostor" and other, because they are vey funny.

This still of music in this moment like me , but dont as much that before. This song are the classic for my ear.

When I bought the Cd in the shop. I listened to much, all day, for a week, this really liked me a lot. I imagined and thinked about the letters songs. and I enjoyed it.

Actually I don´t have this cd, because my brother broked with hammer.

Byee, a nice weekend!

martes, 19 de abril de 2011

Correction to Camilo

My favorite field trip wasn't really a field trip like a university student, but as a student of my own life. It had two stages: First stage I went with some friends to the coast of the ninth region of la Araucanía. There we worked, helped and learned from the local people and their culture. The subject could be about aproach to the local people territorial experiencie. My own subject was about a lesson of Diversity and how the Vertical Power can be resisted and combated. Who taught it? Maybe no one, but if some one taught it, was the local people, the friendship, the humility and myself.
I started from la Araucanía in a cloudy and rainy morning to the south with one of my closest friends, we taked car ride. The landscape was awesome. We went to Puerto Montt, where we met another 2 good friends to start the second stage of the trip by taking car ride to different zones of the Región de Los Lagos. In this second stage we shared with a lot of kind people and learned from them, we saw water falls, rural towns, native woods, awesome lakes in the Andes zone and learned to survive there. Also we went later to Chiloé (Ancud). We made friends along the trip and enojoyed some traditional fest.
This trip changed the way I see the life and my own life... it made me feel a -part- great huge world, with lots of lovely landscapes, cultures, misteries and experiences. I think this trip is a step... a way to "make this life free an-d- beautiful. To make this life a wonderful adventure" like Chaplin said.

he have few errors,Greetings!

miércoles, 13 de abril de 2011

My most interest trip!

My favorite travel and trip was in the summer of this year. I went to Fresia and San juan de la Costa, in the south of Chile. This place has very beautifull landscape, and the people is very nice, in compared to santiago`s people.

In this trip I go with my family,my uncles and my cousins. I went for my vacations,during february. There I ride a horse in mountains and beach, nobody were there, only Pumas and other animals. Also I Took a lot pictures of the landscape, and ate very much (like cordero).

The most i liked and interesting aof this place is the far away compared to tipical distance in the cotidianity on citys, like Santiagop, where all services and other caracteristics are near of ours.

The social and cultural characteristics I liked,was how the people of "Llico bajo" (Fresia)to teached a bullock wood bring.

Also in this trip I swan in the river and in the beach, "Puelo" and Pucatrihue respectuvely. Besides I to pick up stone of the beach, was "agatas".

You are invited for visit this place! you cant to learn of diferent tipe of life, and other place of our large and narrow called Chile.

martes, 5 de abril de 2011

Google: The best tool of internet

Hello Classmates! in this years where the age of the information dominated the relations of the human, diferent tools or other plataform to have a brearing of development in general. Like this google appears how a tool the that to make the access of information, it´s the plataform that i more use. The principal funtion is the to look for informtation of books or papers for university and personal development. I started used in the primary school, because facilited the acces for diferent tipe of information, in special the work of class. In the actuality use google all days, because help me to find work and diferent information of street or any places for go to my friends. I like because is very easy to find all information, since food for dog, until the evolution of diferent concepts how development, etc. this tool relations all web sites, it´s very good! To say this tool in our age help to speed up the individualims proces, because the lazyness has been dominated the relations, inconsecuence while more "to grow" , we want lees efort. this society is very lazy.

martes, 29 de marzo de 2011

My best concert

In the last years I going to "el abrazo, cristal en vivo", this concert it´s very especial because i feel very good. In general in this concert to play diferent artist, Chilean and argentine how Los jaivas, Fito Paéz, Jorge Gonzales, Andres Calamaro, in other.

The sucess very special is that in this afternoon it was drizzling very strong, and a girl that work in the shop of concert we are gift much ticket for hamburguers, chip fried, drink cola and hot dog.

For this instance go with my friends and my girfriends, and after the concert go to house for eat the barbecued.

The moment that more like I was jorge gonzalez sing the "go to the jail" in that speak of president and diferent economic group of our country.

martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

Favorite Movie

In general I´dont Like any special movie, but I will write what think of the diferents movies.
In the last month in general i don´t see very much tv, and dont go to the cinema, but in the summer with my family (sister, brother, cousin) we see "Inception". This movie is very interesting because the history is very involved and mixture the reality with dreams.
Other movie that i like is "Alice in the country of hearts", this movie I go see the cinema with my girlfriend, this movie is very funny and the history speak of the two kingdom, one to reign for a good lady, the princess white. The other princess its very bad, the kingdom of hearth. The character that like me is "the hatter".