I live in Isla de Maipo, this village is near to Santiago, I traveling all days, in the morning I wake up to the 6:15 AM, and I get home about 10 Pm to sleep or study. This because the times like consecuence the “new programation” it´s bad. To my luck this is my last semester of class. I have a two brother (one boy and one girl), I live with my parent, and my girlfriends lives in Santiago because this studies in this city, she family live in Sanvicente de tagua-tagua. With cinthia (my girlfriend) having 1 years 7 month of relations, in general is very good experiencia that both seek to the best for the relations.
In my free times I read, play with my brother, helped my parent or practice any sport. I like swim and cycling. My perspective for next years is finished my studies, will any proyect that have relations with a Proyecto colmena (foundation that have with any friend). To short-term search a practice in places that have relations with my interest, is the more importance that other aspect that have relations with the university or my profesional life. In general I like my life in these days.